Brand name : Yellowpelota –

Date of creation : July 2009

Country of origin and production : Spain

Name of owner/founder : María Varona

Number of employees : 3 people and a big team from our lovely atelier!

Number of sales points : 26 across 8 countries – That includes Thumbeline and Ladida, Tug tug in the US, KidoStore in Australia.

Own e-store : Yes

Own store : No

What makes the brand unique : Yellowpelota is inspired by atemporary designs, turned into an actual and recognizable brand. Understated quality and noble fabrics are at the core of its identity. Each collection maintains a basic and timeless feel.

A quote from a client or journalist : “You have a very unique style”, Lauren Walsh from Kido Store.

Product categories : children’s clothing from 3m to 8y

How many pieces per collection : around 3000

Main materials used : Mostly cotton and wool from Italy

Your trade show planning for next season : Playtime Paris, for FW and SS and Playtime New York for FW.

List of agents/distributors : We’ll have fresh news very soon!

Plans for the future : For next FW we have introduced for the very first time our own printed fabric, this will be a must for the next collections because we have a very good reception from our retailers.

Name of the photographer for the images sent : Rosa Codina