Honey Minhas Fuss, 7 years – New York, USA

Honey loves to draw and color, and has a sunny personality. She loves to tell funny jokes, and is very interested in helping the environment. I guess she gets the art skills from her father (talented photographer) and from her mom Tanya Minhas, children's Clothing Designer and…

Theophane, 7 years old – Brussels, Belgium

Theophane loves elephants; something that you could have guessed by only looking at his lovely bedroom. He also deeply loves his mother, Albane de Sigy-Cromback, a children's furniture designer from Paris, who moved to Belgium 5 years ago. Her line Madaket is available online…

Lily, 6 and half years old – Paris, France

Lily is very creative, talkative and full of energy. She spends a lot of time drawing and has been making little books for herself since she was 3. Like mother, like daughter, she is a party animal and will easily stay up until dawn if we have friends around on holidays. Elodie…

Marie Soudre-Richard, Founder and CEO of LFG

3b.jpg Marie-Soudre-Richard is a pioneer and a…

Gaspard 5 and half & Pauline 4 years old – Burgundy, France

Gaspard is naturalist; he loves insects, bones, leaves, feathers. He has a “cabinet of curiosities” full of bones that he found by digging in his garden. Pauline is in love with horses; she goes to the Poney-Club every wee That leaves a little time to Anne S. their mother to…

Kaili, 3 years old – Hong Kong, HK

Kaili is a funny girl who makes people laugh, intentionally or not. She loves arts and crafts and recently has been doing a lot of colouring, cutting papers and pasting...she is also pretending to do origami. One sure for sure : Kaili is into yellow! Chiharu, a Japanese based in…

Interview of Teo Boutique’s owner Roberta – Milan, Italy

TheoRoberta_3.jpg I met Roberta in Paris quite…