Brand Name : Je suis en CP!

Date of Creation : October 2009

Country of Origin : France

Countries of production : Romania, France, Mauritius, Peru

Name of the founder : Céline Prost

Number of Employees : 4

Number of Sales Points : 150 including Takashimaya, Barneys, Seibu, Brown Tree (Indonesia) Petit Marchons (Korea) Royal Kids (USA),

The Brand is Present in : 22 countries

Own e-store : yes since July 2014 –

Own Physical Store : Not yet

Company Statement / Tag Line : poetic and playful line for kids

What Makes the Brand Unique  : Selection of high quality materials and vintage couture style

Product Categories : Clothing/accessories

Number of Pieces per Collection: 130

Main Materials Used : cotton, wool, linen

Trade Show Planning for Next Season : Pitti Bimbo, Playtime Paris, Playtime NY

Agents/Distributors : Northern’s Sky (Japan) TFNYUSA (USA)

Plans for the Future : New agent in Russia and Italy, development of our own e-store, and our first brick and mortar shop.

Photos by Myriam Lagha