Gioia Benenati, 3, New York

Gioia, 3 years old, lives in New York. She speaks English, French and Spanish. Her mother Samantha Adam Benenati is a journalist and the co-owner of Pomme, one of the most beautiful children's stores in the world.

Jasmine Viesulas, 5 years old, UK

Jasmine was born in New York and moved to London a year ago. She has a younger sister and an older brother. Her dad Romas  takes a keen interest in raising his kids in a cosmopolitan way, making them aware of the finer things in life.

Noor, 9 years old, Morocco

NBoor & Julie Noor lives in Marrakech, with her younger brother Zach and her parents, Moulay and Julie, who own zid zid kids. Nour speaks English, Arabic and French. She loves playing around with the ethnic, graphic, geometric pieces from her closet.

Zoe, 8 years old, Paris

Cecily, 7 – Boulder Colorado

Cecily lives in Boulder, Colorado where her family moved from New York in 2007. With her mother Edie Ure, a print designer, she shares a love for colors, prints and creative mix.

Fariba, London

Eloise, 6 years old, Sao Paolo

Six years old Eloise was born in Paris and now lives in Sao Paolo, Brazil with her father, mother and younger brother. She speaks French and Portuguese. Her and mother Patricia, textile designer, tell us what they like when it comes to fashion, shopping, cinema and holidays.