Brand name : Goat-Milk Kidware  / Company name : Goat-Milk Kidware

Website :

Date of creation : SPRING 2011

Country of origin : New York, NY Country of production : India

Name of the founders : Roland Bello & Tania Vargas

Number of employees : 3

Number of sales points : 50 locations

Where to find the brand online? :

Own e-store ? : Yes, launched May 2011.

Company statement or tag line : Goat-Milk Kidware. 100% Organic cotton basics for babies & kids.

What makes the brand stand out? : Simple design, outstanding quality and elegance.

A quote from a client or journalist? : OMG!!! I absolutely love this brand. Not only are all their images/advertising

absolutely stunning but the product they make is perfection as well. These guys got it right all around!! I’m a huge fan!!!!!!


How many pieces per collection : One basic collection with about 100 pieces.

Main materials used : 100% organic cotton

Your trade show planning for next season? Non. We reach out to boutiques directly. 

Plans for the future?  Introducing more styles and colors, an adult line is in the works.